
Showing posts with the label HIV-Associated Lipodystrophy Treatment

HIV-Associated Lipodystrophy Treatment Market Report | The Demand for The Market Will Drastically Increase in the Future

HIV-associated lipodystrophy refers to changes in body fat concentration in HIV patients. The specific origins of this disorder are unknown at this time. However, research suggests that it can emerge as a result of HIV infection or from adverse effects linked with HIV therapy medicines such as nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). In addition, metabolic problems, such as insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, characterize the lipodystrophy condition. Thus, HIV-associated lipodystrophy is a term that encompasses two clinical situations: lipoatrophy and lipo accumulation. The global HIV-Associated Lipodystrophy Treatment Market sees unparalleled growth. Several investigations are being conducted to determine the link between the two mechanisms of lipodystrophy so that a single tool can redistribute fat. The global HIV-Associated Lipodystrophy Treatment Market is predicted to increase as healthcare infrastructure improves and HIV/AIDS patients worldwide rise. The ...